Biometric technology is extensively used in law enforcement
applications, businesses as well as in homes. It measures facial geometry,
fingerprint, iris, retina, palm or voice to identify a person as all these are
unique human features. It is the most accurate identification technology that
convinces others to use it for security.
The Biometric technology is improving day by day and it will include ecommerce
applications security in the near future. Biometric technology also provides
secure access to cell phones and cars.
Biometric technology has developed into 3-D infrared facial
recognition system that is used extensively at various places as a visitor
management authentication system. This technology uses 3-D facial scanning and
identification software with particular algorithms to recognize a registered
Access control
facial recognition:
Biometric technologies permit access to authorized people for
determined premises. A large number of companies and people are using this
technology for enhanced security. Biometric
technology is still improving to bring more improvement in biometric access
Facial recognition:
Biometric technologies have developed to monitor an entrance
passage against a terrorist or any potential suspect in seconds using facial
recognition biometric devices.
Alert management:
Customized biometric devices have been introduced that offer
alarm systems to guard against potential security breaches. It delivers
security alerts if any unwanted person wants to get access to the prohibited
Private as well as Government sector deploy high tech
biometric security systems to prevent crimes and protect employees. Now,
Organizations are using this technology with confidence as it is a highly
secured way to protect organizations.
Biometric technology is constantly improving and innovative
products are introducing day by day that are making security standards strong
and bringing accuracy in them.
Some people are still unaware of biometric technology and
they are using old systems for security. Old systems involve passwords and keys
that can be stolen. On the other hand, with advanced biometric technology, no
chance of fraud exists because unique human features allow access to a person
and for entry in premises, physical existence is mandatory.
It is important to get these devices from a reputable
company. There are many companies that are providing these products.
is a famous company in Malaysia that offers unique products. It also ensures
quality of these products.
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